WARNING: Chapter 16A of The Children and Young Persons Care and Protection Act NSW 1998
Be aware that much of your history you thought was private is no longer private in NSW and that under this particular piece of legislation, private matters you share with Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists or any other Government or Non Government body can now be shared with DCJ which in effect is violating your fundamental constitutional and common law right to privacy.
I witnessed one such example of this recently with a young pregnant mother who was contacted by DCJ not long before the birth of her child for a ROSH (Risk of Significant Harm) assessment, and that pending the outcome of this assessment the child could and would most lightly be forcibly removed from the mother directly after the birth of that child in a public hospital.
Can you imagine the immense distress this places upon a pregnant mother and her child in utero. Hardly supportive of a mother about to give birth.
Note: You do not have to comply with the criteria of a request of a ROSH assessment before a child is born but in NSW you are legally obliged to engage. If for example you refuse to communicate with DCJ this becomes a bonefide ground to remove your child. So do not think for one moment that any argument to not enter into their contract will protect you, in the alternative it does exactly the opposite. This in part is why so many indigenous Australians have at least in part had their children removed.
However, if they say for example we need to come to your house to check it, you have every right to refuse, you have a common law right to privacy, but do not just ignore them. I suggest if you are contacted by DCJ ask them to email you the reason/s they are contacting you so you can see exactly what has been raised in their assessment, i.e the alleged reason/s for the ROSH assessment and then you can respond accordingly.
If you have any concerns about this you can contact any Lawyer or Legal Professional for advice or you can always contact a paralegal like myself pastor.paul@paulrobertburton.com
Be aware that the child removal industry is now a global multi-billion dollar affair largely condoned by your own State/Territory Governments and the Judiciary here in Australia, I strongly recommend you learn your rights before this happens to you or anyone you know, not after it has occurred.
DCJ claim they have the right to come into your home, and these ROSH assessments can be triggered by all kinds of things, for example something you mentioned once to a psychologist, an ex partner with any kind of mental health issues or reports, any vindictive person, a previous or current avo with police, a previous rape or sexual abuse matter where you were yourself as a victim, literally anything from anywhere.
Most concerning of all is that we have found an alarming pattern of children being removed from parents simply because they were themselves once a victim of abuse or even simply because they were somehow previously known to DCJ.
Child removals in Australia are on a massive increase and considering we are well recognised globally as a world leader I strongly suggest you educate yourself, know your rights and know how to lawfully enforce those rights.
I would take the position that everything you say can and will be used against you and I would suggest you only speak to very very trusted friends about anything that could in any way be misunderstood or used in any way in the negative against you or your family.
Unfortunately the time of trusting medical professionals is now well and truly over, they will raise a ROSH report and in reality have an obligation to do just that for just about anything.
It is so sad that our society has become so unsupportive and so sick that if a female for example were to report she was raped as a child there is a very real possibility she could lose her own children because she is a victim. Most good people in this country cannot accept this is true and happening, they cannot believe their own government would do this to them until of course it happens to them. This unfortunately is how child removal agencies support you and your family, the damage is long term and often irreparable.
Think about this deeply and educate yourselves, and dont even take what I say as truth, ask them yourselves.
xxx Pastor Paul
Chapter 16A in Legislation begins here……….
And this is available for you here on the DCJ/FACS/DOCS website……….
“Chapter 16A of the Act allows information to be exchanged between prescribed bodies despite other laws that prohibit or restrict the disclosure of personal information, such as the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 and the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.”
