I would like you all to know that in response to some people being traumatised seeing a picture of Catherine who was found dead on her bed in Sept 2020 in my last blog post.
I have removed that photo.
As it was shared from my blog, the removal will propagate through facebook however that may take a day or so for the thumbnails to disappear.
The original photo will however not be present when anyone clicks on the link.
To clarify………
I have removed the image not because of the vitriol and attacks on me or the comments from some people about it being highly inappropriate (as many of those people do not know the background or what has transpired over the last six months), but because I have spoken directly with Catherines Mother and she has informed me that over the last month or two that she has now established some meaningful contact with Catherines daughter.
I made her aware of my actions and the post and letter to the Minister Ms Sanderson.
Catherine’s mother was very supportive of me continuing to fight for her granddaughters rights with SACAT, however SACAT argued that because she was not involved originally she also had no standing. Catherines mother unfortunately was not well enough herself to fight the matter through the tribunals and Courts.
If I were to appeal the SACAT decision to the Supreme court it would cost thousands of dollars that I do not have, and even if I were successful, neither myself or Catherines Mother can offer any kind of real tangible solution for Catherine’s daughter.
On a more positive note we are working with some philanthropic rural property owners in the hope of creating spaces that could support families struggling with the immense trauma and the stress caused through parental alienation and other such conditions.
Catherine’s mother apologised for not letting me know about the contact with her grand daughter and I am speaking with her further to assist and possibly advocate as there are still in her view significant concerns for Catherines daughters treatment and wellbeing that I hope we can now address.
In view of all of the above and notwithstanding the behaviour of the department in this matter I can now have some sense of completion in my promise to Catherine to help her daughter. I am leaving the content of my post untouched as my views and position are unchanged but I will apologise most sincerely to anyone traumatised by seeing a picture of one of the shocking realities of what we deal with every single week as a result of this system in absolute crisis.
And let me also add that the governments response to Sars-Cov-2 has only exasperated an already desperate situation for families everywhere.
I ask for your forgiveness and that we move forward to bring about some real tangible positive change for the benefit of the thousands of families now impacted by the child removal industry in this country.
Kindest Regards & God Bless
Pastor Paul
“Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable.” – Prov 31:8
