To good people everywhere.
As to be expected from a draconian government wishing to hide state condoned child abuse and child trafficking, my request to have the suppression orders removed on Dr Andrew and myself was unsuccessful and my challenge was dismissed. It appears the Secretary wishes to continue to permanently stay the temporary suppression on us (without a hearing) to at least the conclusion of the criminal proceedings, I guess this is in the futile attempt of getting a criminal conviction and the gaol time that would undoubtedly follow.
I can of course seek leave to appeal todays decision if I wish.
On a more positive note I am thankful the prosecution reads my blog posts and His Honour has stated we can make submissions to the Associate to have today’s judgment and the previous judgments released to the public with suitable redactions and in the interests of open justice, Hallelujah.
Love to all and thank you to all who came today to support and all of you supporting everywhere.
Hold steady thy mast and on another positive note to finish this post, we would never have caught up with these lovely people in the photo today if not for this, so in a way the suppression is helping to build community.
All you need is Love and Merry Christmas to all.
Xxx Pastor Paul
