Anyone who is familiar with this case will be completely outraged at this recent outcome (publicly available in caselaw) in relation to Russell Pridgeon’s recent unsuccessful attempt to get his medical licence reinstated after a substantive suspension for over two years and a shocking public persecution and defamation.
Every Australian needs to read this and let me put it into plain English for you, to present my “in a nutshell” version and (with all due respect) for those of you with short attention spans and an unfortunate inability to concentrate for very long and look into matters.
In brief, the Medical Council openly accepted that Russell had every reason to believe the children he was helping to protect were being sexually assaulted and abused but that he had no right to try to protect them because it threatens the very fabric of our society and the rule of law !!!
Using the Medical Council’s own words
“We consider it was reasonable for the Appellant to believe the twin girls had been the subject of sexual abuse and that the abuse probably came from their father. None of that however, in our view, for the reasons set out above, can be accepted as justification for the Appellant engaging in the action he did”
The declaration he really wanted from the Tribunal was that it was “never illegal to protect a child from harm”.
“The action taken by the Appellant, in our view, has the potential to undermine the fabric of our society which is dependent upon the rule of law being effective and complied with by the citizens of this country. Challenges to decisions of our courts must be taken through the processes which are available. To take action which is motivated to defeat the ruling of a court is such a challenge to our orderly existence that this Tribunal must treat the action as extremely serious.”
My question then becomes, dear Medical Council exactly what kind of society are you referring to ? And what if the processes that are currently available are in absolute crisis and are failing families everywhere? As just about every parent and advocate in the family and children’s court knows.
So you must mean a society where the courts condone the sexual abuse of children and then return those children to their abusers and then criminalise and publicly persecute those trying to protect the children.
That by definition is actually a society run by (dare I use the p word) pedaphiles !!! So I guess they are the new fabric of our society, that needs to be protected, well thats just F%#$ing great !!!
Well I guess Im not surprised, because anyone that knows anything about this matter knows that Russell was a member of the former Australian Anti-Pedaphile Party so at least we now know 100% that its real and why they are a former party !
I am completely dumbstruck, if this is not in your face good people then what is?
Read it for yourself and make your own mind up, the pdf is below and a link to the caselaw.
PS Those of us that are part of a significant volunteer national alliance consider it an absolute honour and a privilege Russell to be assisting and supporting you, Patrick and Ann in this case, as you are assisting us in our many court matters exposing this high level corruption.
All You Need Is Love
Amen xxx Pastor Paul
“Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable.”– Prov 31:8
“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known”– Luke 12:2
Dr William Russell Massingham Pridgeon is seen being hugged by a supporter as he leaves the Brisbane Magistrates Court in Brisbane, Friday, April 5,2019. Dr Pridgeon is a Grafton Doctor who founded the Australian Anti-Paedophile Party, and is facinf charges for his alleged role in an abduction ring network that helped mothers kidnap their children. (AAP Image/Darren England)