To good people everywhere, Love to all and extra big hugs to those of you who have contributed to our malicious prosecution fundraiser, especially the recent $500 donation that just got me over the line, thank you Michelle, and thank you Creator, I always just get over the line, through to Faith and Grace …… Amen.
For your collective interest I have filed my Court of Appeal Challenge of the recent decision in the District Court.
Paul Robert Burton & Andrew Katelaris
Lloyd Babb & Michael Coutts Trotter.
The new matter in the Court of Appeal has been filed and I have used the money I intended to pay for a jury to pay for the filing fee $1518.
Paul Robert Burton
Lloyd Babb,
Michael Coutts-Trotter
The State Of NSW
In good faith please see a copy of that invoice below that has since been signed and returned to the Court of Appeal and also a copy of the Index for the Court Books & am preparing and lodging later this week.
The matter is listed for directions in The Court of Appeal at:
10am on Monday the 28th of Sept.
All You Need Is Love
xxx Pastor Paul