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PRB Caught Update

To good people everywhere you may have noticed the title of this post is grammatically incorrect on porpoise !!!

To those of you with the immense patience to follow the now nearly 2 1/2 year long court processes concerning myself and Dr Andrew Katelaris.

The NSW state government continues its regime of tyranny and oppression as it still enforces its suppression on us for speaking a simple truth already witnessed by thousands of people through its now (in my view) blindingly obvious control of most of the judicial system, so much for the separation of powers. In this matter the suppression concerns an indigenous child long since returned to his loving family because of a significant error of law by a government dept headed by a  former convicted heroin trafficker who now overseas both the department of family and community services (FACS) and the department of justice.

Interestingly as an aside we have also been waiting for around four months for the suppression to be lifted since I provided undeniable grounds to the court of equity that this suppression has nothing to do with the protection of a child. The original judgment is still suppressed (and so it should be) because if anyone saw it they would know immediately how appalling this situation truly is, so much for open justice. It appears that when a self represented individual presents strong legal arguments respectfully to the courts and they know he is right the response becomes one of complete silence?

I am not sure they ever intend to address these issues so as to bring about real positive change.

I have also written to the Newcastle registrar as my collateral abuse claim that was upheld by a coram of three judges including the President of the Court of Appeal has also now since for the time being ceased to exist? I have requested the matter continue in the district court as should have occurred when my appeal was upheld ( order in the nature of mandamus) but again in this matter as with the equity matter I am met with silence. I will persevere and arrange a meeting with the registrar to elicit some kind of response other than silence.

To say I am dumbfounded is an understatement of profound proportions, the matter would be truly laughable if it were not for the continued removal of 100’s of children per week and 1000’s per month all around the country on the most spurious grounds and one shocking story after another entering my life here in the matrix. I now find myself with a national team of fearless advocates managing one shocking story after another and to be completely honest it is only prayer that helps us manage the screams of distraught mothers having their children ripped off them by this system that can only be described as Evil and Demonic.

Meanwhile nearly all the government departments commissioned with our safety and protection are now mute and some we are discovering are complicit in disgraceful acts of child abuse and child trafficking for profit.

The entire affair beggars belief and I am not sure good people where this is all going to end other than to say that both Dr Andrew and myself and the many other good people now helping will not be silent on issues of such profound public interest and importance.

I have never ever knowingly broken any court suppression orders and I have no intention of starting now. However, I do have a right to freedom of speech and opinion and I have a duty to both God and the public to share with you all the shocking realities of what most Australians refuse to believe is actually happening because it is just too evil to comprehend. So stay tuned as 2020 is going to be an interesting year and lets see how long those that condone such terrible activities intend to bury their heads in the sand.

For those of you in Newcastle Dr Andrew and I have another mention of the criminal charges against us in the Newcastle Local Court from 9.30am tomorrow wednesday , come say hello, tomorrow I am raising a constitutional issue before we go to committal and if you value our work but cant help through action  please consider donating to help us.

All You Need Is Love

Kindest regards and God Bless

Pastor Paul

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