Hello to good people everywhere and love to all. The following Court Update covers the main matters I am involved with in court and those related court matters concerning Dr Andrew Kateralis and others, as express facts i believe i can openly share as a matter of political free speech and as a matter of open public debate and open public interest.
Out of further respect, I have mentioned no names nor any evidence that in any way contravenes the current interim suppression orders placed upon us, nor my understanding of what is permissible to share in regards to matters in open court in our representative democracy, or as our constitution states under section 9 and 24, of our implied democracy.
Further to this, i am self represented in all my court matters, that is, I have no legal representation, and some of the charges against me are indictable, consequently I go to great lengths to be respectful of our judicial system and I also, as a spiritual responsibility to the Creator, go to great lengths to respect our fundamental Common Law Rights and the need for open public debate and transparency in matters that are in the greatest of public interest. I believe that if a matter of significant public interest is dealt with openly and honestly, that it reduces conflict and brings about real quantifiable change. I do not believe it is right to hide from Truth, nor do I ever wish any harm or suffering upon any being. The lessons of the last year have taught me more about the fundamental teachings of Yeshua Ben Joseph and all other great speakers of Truth, for this I am forever thankful. I forgive all, and I always pray for positive change and I strive to see that change occur through right action, I encourage all to do the same, this is our humanity.
1) On Friday 20th April, I attended my first mention at Newcastle Local Court for a second Private Prosecution against a NSW FACS Caseworker under section 56 of the NSW Crimes Act 1900. The defendant nor any representation appeared, so I raised the matter of issuing a bench warrant for the FACS caseworkers arrest. His Honour Magistrate Price did not issue a bench warrant and has at this time adjourned the matter until May 25th while the Crown Solicitors determine if they have carriage of this matter or not. I was surprised that neither the defendant nor the Crown Solicitors representative appeared as this is my second attempt with a Private Prosecution and this second matter was filed in early February this year and approved by the Registrar in March. The first Private Prosecution was closed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) primarily on the grounds that the name of the defendant on the documentation was not one of the caseworkers present when a child was forcibly removed whilst I was officiating with the child and the family many months back. This time I have the name correct as I have been able to identify one of the caseworkers present, this was quite difficult because not one public officer identified themselves when the child was removed and the one name provided on the documentation, that was not a warrant, was neither of the FACS caseworkers present, according to the DPP’s determination, also not withstanding that no involved Government Department that I wrote to would inform me of the names of any public officers associated with this matter. I believe that the Crown Solicitors will most probably take carriage of this matter and that it will again be taken over by the DPP who will again determine if the matter is allowed to proceed based on my Brief Of Evidence. Next mention for this matter is May 25th in Newcastle Local Court where either the Crown Solicitor, if they have carriage of the matter, or the FACS caseworker or their representation, will appear for the defendant.
2) In regards to the Equity Court Suppression Orders in the Supreme Court Sydney, where I am the first defendant and Dr Andrew Katelaris is the second defendant. Currently in my understanding, interlocutory orders were placed upon Dr Andrew and I on the 18th July 2017 by Justice Rein, these orders still stand unchanged. There was a final hearing for the matter in late Nov early Dec 2017 but while Justice Robb was making a determination over Christmas , we were both criminally charged for the exact same matters that were before the Equity Court, a court of fairness and conscience. Consequently The Secretary of FACS is now seeking further interim orders in the Equity Court so that, in my understanding, Dr Andrew and are in a situation where we could have “permanent temporary suppression orders” upon us, further restricting the mention of matters pertaining to one child in the care of FACS in relation to The Closed Children’s Court of NSW. This matter is currently set down for another directions hearing sometime as yet undetermined in May 2018. I would like to be able to share the suppression orders and transcript from Justice Rein and Justice Robb but I will need to talk with Justice Robb on what I may release, as again, in my understanding, the suppression orders have some things suppressed within them, that is, the orders and transcript themselves are also, in part, suppressed, so i will have to make sure I have a very very clear understanding of what i can and cant share.
3) In regards to the criminal suppression charges currently in the Newcastle Local Court where Dr Andrew and I are charged separately for the same matters as before the Equity Court. What I believe was particularly inappropriate, was the use of the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Dept to charge us, so i have responded accordingly. The next mention is Thursday the 26th of April (tomorrow) and I have raised a Notice Of Motion (NOM) to challenge the charges on a number of very significant grounds. As Dr Andrew is currently incarcerated and unrepresented in his matter I would imagine he will most probably appear by video link from Cessnock Correctional Facility. I saw Andrew last Saturday in Cessnock and he is well and in good spirits but obviously unhappy about his incarceration. This matter is listed for 9.30am this Thursday at Newcastle Local Court.
4) in regards to Dr Andrews original charges from May last year concerning the possession, cultivation and supply of cannabis oil and Andrews argument as a matter of medical necessity, the hearing is currently set down for trial in the Sydney District Court, Downing Centre, beginning Nov 5th this year.
5) In regards to Dr Andrews new alleged cannabis oil and leaf supply charges and breach of bail. The next mention for this matter is in Wyong Local Court on May 23rd and unlike the media reports, the amounts are embarrassingly small and would in a normal situation, without bail, be nothing more than a very very small personal possession charge, but a bail breach non the less.
6) In regards to Dr Andrews current incarceration, wheels are in motion for him to file a bail application as soon as is possible but i am not aware of a date at this time. He has engaged a solicitor for this matter at this time.
7) In regards to BJ Futters alleged cannabis and its derivatives, cultivation and supply charges from the original Dec 1st 2016 charges. BJ is currently self represented and is arguing cannabis as food, medicine and medical necessity. His trial is currently listed for 24th til the 27th September in the Newcastle District Court.
Considering the current situation with Dr Andrew Katelaris, BJ Futter, Tony Bower, Jenny Hallam, and numerous other individuals nationally, currently in court or incarcerated for providing cannabis as a food and medicine. I am of the personal belief that any Political Parties wishing to achieve any real significant change should first be calling for an AMNESTY for all these people to address this matter openly as a matter of grave public interest. The current Drug Misuse Act and Poisons and Therapeutics Act around cannabis, find us in a precarious situation in Australia where people are being wrongfully persecuted under the Wrong Act, clearly actions are determined in a large part by intent, if the intent of a person is to grow food or make medicine then I believe one should not be charged under the Drug Misuse Act. Interestingly, I was never a huge cannabis activist, fundamental human rights, God, Love, Truth and Justice are more my thing, but through a series of astounding events, i now find myself here. I pray for an end to this madness in which innocent people are incarcerated and dragged through courts, families are sometimes decimated, and many adults and children needlesly suffer, all because of a gross national lack of education about something as lethal as a “tomato plant” !!! Cannabis (Hemp) is well known internationally and throughout history as an extraordinary plant with extraordinary applications and far reaching beneficial uses.
In regards to all matters of great public interest, I pray for a government with a will and intent to do what the people elected them to do, and a judicial system that honours its very foundations of Truth, Justice and Fairness in our constitutionally bound representative democracy.
Love to all, “hold steady thy mast” and God Bless
Pastor Paul
