To good people everywhere and those who have been following my journey through the Australian Judicial System.
I recently after nearly two years in Court was able to make Application to the High Court of Australia concerning suppression (gag) orders placed on myself and Dr Andrew Katelaris by the Supreme Court of Equity at the behest of The Secretary of Family and Community Services (FACS) NSW.
The reality that I have since discovered, is that although it is possible for people to make Application to The High Court of Australia, all decisions are only by leave, not right. In plain English, the High Court themselves determines whether you are allowed into the High Court. What is even more concerning is that when an Application is dismissed by the High Court, they do not provide any reasons for that decision.
When you file your application and all the grounds of that application, rather than dismiss an application and provide reasons, they will provide something like this, about 23 words.
“The appeal foreshadowed by this application for special leave to appeal would have no prospects of success. The application should be dismissed.”
So although the High Court and the entire Judicial system continually asserts the importance of being provided adequate reasons in law, The High Court does not abide by its own Statutory obligations. Authorities abound concerning the importance of providing adequate reasons in Law.
This is why it is near impossible to get Heard in the High Court of Australia unless of course they choose to allow entry. This is why in Australia our Constitution and implied Constitutional Rights are effectively none existent. If you present a strong case and argument to The High Court of Australia they will simply refuse your Leave to Appeal and never tell you why. The Courts enforce statutory Laws but they do not abide by them themselves.
This of course in my view makes a complete and utter mockery of the entire judicial system. The High Court is your last Court of Appeal for all Court decisions and when you get there you are dismissed and never ever told why, no reasons are provided.
To discover that Australia is not a Representative Democracy may seem concerning to some , and it most certainly should be, but for me personally it is liberating. I can now see in Truth how corrupt the system is and why so many good people suffer from what is nothing more than a system to maintain the status quo and continue a regime of tyranny and oppression.
This was the High Courts Reply to my request to provide reasons:
Dear Sir,
Re: Burton v Family and Community Services NSW (5106/2019)
I refer to your correspondence dated 20 June 2019 which has been referred to me for reply. I note that you have a copy of the disposition constituting the reasons for judgment of the coram of judges who dismissed your Application for special leave to appeal on 19 June 2019. No correspondence will be entered into which canvasses the correctness of the decisions of this Court. Your Application is at an end, and there are no further steps that you can take in relation to the Application.
Yours Faithfully
Deputy Registrar The High Court of Australia.
And my response……………..
DEAR Deputy Registrar you response is misconceived. I did not send correspondence to canvas the correctness of the decision of the High Court, I merely pointed out that they did not provide any reasons and that to not give reasons is a fundamental error of law and in breach of their own obligations as The High Court of a representative democracy.
Your response makes a mockery of the entire judicial system.
This application may be at an end ? but this matter is not at an end , it is just beginning.
Kindest regards and God Bless
Pastor Paul
The Entire Judicial System has no clothes and in regards to my and Dr Andrew’s current court cases please join us as the NSW State Government has no prospects of success, we have Truth.
Let us all pray for their wretched souls, all those that condone child abuse and child trafficking for profit, lets expose them and drag them into the light for all to see.
All You Need Is Love xxx Pastor Paul
