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One Percent Chance Of Getting Your Child Back

Updated: Jun 16, 2024

For those of you in the public that know nothing about the closed children’s courts in NSW Australia I would like to introduce you all to the current President of the closed children’s courts of NSW, Peter Johnstone (pictured above)

As you would all know a Judge is placed in a very important position and it is his or her job to always make objective, fair and impartial decisions concerning both parties before him or her.

If you are in the unfortunate position of having your child or children forcibly removed  by The Secretary of Family And Community Services NSW and you have to appear before the children’s court I am able to confirm that you have a about a 1% chance of getting your child or children back.

In the President’s own words being wonderfully objective, fair, impartial and elected by and for the people,  the children’s court approves about 99 out of 100 matters brought before them by the Secretary of FACS.

This is your Justice system and this is why so many parents and families have their lives decimated by the closed children’s courts in NSW. It doesn’t matter how much money you throw at it, or what lawyers you hire, FACS are always correct and everything they say goes and whatever they present to the court is believed as truth.

Welcome to The Justice System for Children in NSW and why distraught parents call us every week begging for our help.

A biased near completely one sided system in absolute crisis whereby the parent/s are automatically guilty of alleged criminal behaviour without evidence in a closed court in a civil jurisdiction and are usurped of the right to justice and a trial by jury.

Perhaps this is why many see it as a foundation cornerstone for a veritable den of iniquity.

xxx Pastor Paul

Some quotes from The President………….

“What is the actual role of the Children’s Court? On the civil side – the care and protection side – our role is to be the final point of reference in relation to children who are considered to be ‘at risk’ and who are removed from their parents’ responsibility by Department of Family and Community Services (DFACS). If a child is assumed into care, then DFACS has to make an application within three days to the court for orders. We are the supervisor of what the Department does. We don’t have any power in terms of starting the process – our job is to look at what the department puts before us.”

“So, in layman’s terms, the agencies at the community level identify children at risk, then the department steps in and then that goes before you for final judgement? Yes. What happens is that when the department takes someone into care, or removes them from their parents, then an application is made to the court and 99 times out of 100, the court will approve the removal. Then a process starts whereby the department has to make what’s called permanency planning for that child, which might involve restoration to the parents, or one of the parents, or placement into out of home care, or foster care. If the (FACS) minister’s current recommendations are adopted the options will include a lot more closed adoptions. The family court only has the option of the child going to mother or father. At least we have other options.”

“And that’s a good thing – to have more options?

One of the things that amazes me is that I got this job at all – because I was always an advocate of saying that in care and protection cases, I really had doubts about whether the court was the right place for those sort of things to be done. In a judicial environment and in a court atmosphere – is that the right place to be making such huge decisions?”

* Note: the article referenced in this blog post was removed from online publication after this blog post was published so please find a pdf version below.


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