For those of you who have been monitoring some of my last posts concerning a distraught mother who had her young child forcibly removed a few weeks back from Darwin airport and the efforts of our team to have that child returned.
The judgment has been released on caselaw today.
This is the first time we have been able to intercept the template child protection use when they rip a child on a Friday then hear the matter in the children’s court the following Monday.
In this instance we were for the first time successful (thanks to Sir Graeme) and an amazing team of advocates, in getting an urgent injunction up in the Supreme Court of Victoria on a Sunday.
Albiet the child is still not with the mother, he is currently with the grandmother, not foster carers, and the mother now has a real chance of getting her son back before Christmas. Had this of not happened I believe the children’s courts are so corrupt she would have had no hope despite DHHS having not one shred of evidence and running a case without her whilst claiming she was there on court records.
Thank you to all involved and I pray for real justice and that the mother gets her child back for Yeshua’s birthday and that we can save many many more children from this State Condoned Child Abuse and Child Trafficking “Kids for Cash” Program.
See, I told you there was a God.
xxx Pastor Paul
