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High Court of Australia Determination

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

Thursday 20th of June 2019

To the Senior Registrar High Court of Australia   

RE: Burton v Family and Community Services NSW (S106/2019)

Dear Senior Registrar,

Thank you for your letter on the 13th of June.

I have had an opportunity to look at the link you provided where you stated in your letter that the High Court is to provide reasons for their decisions with Appeals seeking leave to the High Court

I note that in reference to my matter the High Court has now provided the following:

Burton v Family and Community Services NSW [2019] HCASL 198 (19 June 2019) Last Updated: 19 June 2019 


  1. The appeal foreshadowed by this application for special leave to appeal would have no prospects of success. The application should be dismissed.

  2. Pursuant to r 41.08.1 of the High Court Rules 2004 (Cth), we direct the Registrar to draw up, sign and seal an order dismissing the application.

I mean no disrespect Senior Registrar and perhaps in part because I am self represented it is more difficult, but according to The High Courts Rules 2004 Rule 6.03 Publication of written reasons for judgment, a disposition must include reasons.

My application seeking leave to the High Court included fourteen grounds and the High Court of Australia has not provided any reasons whatsoever for its dismissal. What the High Court has provided is a determination, not reasons. Reasons are an explanation to the plaintiff and the public of why a decision has been determined.

The following article on the constitutional duty to give reasons for judicial proceedings is most helpful.

As a self represented individual I have always expressed to the Court the importance of being provided adequate reasons for any decision so I (and the public) can then understand a determination. Failure to provide us with reasons is in my view a jurisdictional error, it is a denial of procedural fairness, it is unconstitutional, shows that the Court does not follow its own Statute Law and most importantly, it impairs the institutional integrity of the Court and brings the administration of justice into complete and utter disrepute in the eyes of the public.

Could you please provide us with adequate reasons for the High Courts determination in my matter or in the alternative, an explanation of why as a Senior Registrar you explained that I would be provided with reasons, and yet the High Court of Australia has not provided me any reasons.

As this matter concerns the very foundation of our fundamental democratic principles here in Australia and the people’s view of the judicial system and all it alleges to represent, I would respectfully ask that you answer this letter, so we the people can then determine how to best graciously and publicly proceed if necessary, to ensure the administration of justice in Australia is restored to a position of integrity.

Kindest regards and God Bless

Pr Paul Robert Burton

“Not by power nor by might, but by spirit sayeth The Lord” – Book of Zechariah 4:6


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