Well that’s a first………….
I went today to Parklea Correctional Centre to see an inmate that I was unable to see in person earlier in the week and I have been kicked out.
Well actually correctly speaking I was asked to leave for refusing to wear a mask despite having a lawful reason.
To further compound this very interesting situation I did see this inmate today for about 10 minutes before being graciously ejected but I have also learnt in the last two day’s that there are non publication orders on anyone saying his name. Yes you heard me correctly, this person jailed for 14 months for mentioning his own children on Facebook ( breaching section 105 of the CP Act ) whom they are trying to deport, cannot even be publicly mentioned by name.
I believe the reason for this is to do with (in this case) the financial arrangements between Challenge Agency and FACS whereby they use taxpayer money and profit from the unlawful removal of children from innocent families.
By the end of 2021 DCJ child removals will be 100% privatised and every child removed by them has a financial unit value for the Non Government Organisation (NGO) that takes the child. That is, taxpayer money is given to the NGO for that child’s alleged care. The poorer a child’s health the more they are worth in the system, up to around $350,000 for a highly compromised child. This is only the tip of a financial iceberg whereby families everywhere are being decimated by an economic system devoid of any sense of morality.
This is why your children are taken even when they are loved dearly and why you cannot get any contact or justice in the courts , because they all profit from your suffering, and yes the more compromised your child’s health is the more they are worth.
Anyway, it was lovely to meet the person I can no longer name in public, his court case is coming up soon (26th March 9.30am Mt Druit local Court) whereby I hope we can get his charges annulled, and failing that I hope we can stop them deporting him for speaking the truth and trying like Dr Andrew and I, to let you the people know the shocking truth of what is happening.
As today is Sunday let us all pray together for real justice and for righteous retribution whereby this system in absolute crisis is exposed for all to see everywhere.
As a society is measured by the treatment of its children I must say that in my view we are doing very very poorly.
“Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable” – Prov 31:8
Xxx Pastor Paul
