Dear Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, (DPP)
I refer to your letter dated the 18th January 2018 where I had on the 5th January asked for identification of the Officers of the Dept of Family and Community Services (FACS) and the NSW Police Force who were in attendance at The Church Of Ubuntu on the 19th May 2017. I also refer to my request for you to provide information on what dutiful authority could help me find out the information that you and all the other Government departments have now refused to give.
I reference your following statement from that letter on the 18th January 2018.
“ It is not the role of my office to provide you with the advice you requested in your letter. No advice of that kind will be provided to you in relation to this matter.”
I find it absolutely astounding that employees of the State of NSW can act corruptly and illegally seize children for unlawful reasons, and rather than the DPP dealing with them in an appropriate manner, you prefer to circle the wagons and protect them.
A Former NSW Premier Mr Baird stated that the Dept of Family and Community Services (FACS) were beyond repair and needed to be dismantled. Former AMA president and Sydney deputy Lord Mayor Dr Phelps stated that the Dept should be dismantled and the Act of parliament shredded. This Dept is completely out of control and it appears to be run by people who continually hide in the shadows. So called not for profit organisations channel money in the millions through around forty companies to two individuals and not a word is said.
“Risk of Significant Harm” is inserted into the Act of Parliament thereby virtually allowing any child to be taken, even if that child is a part of a caring and nurturing home. Under Section 43 of The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 Family and Community Services (FACS) can, without a warrant, seize a child if they believe he or she is at an immediate risk of serious harm. The Supreme Court of New South Wales ruled that it must be an unacceptable risk, and yet FACS continues to fly in the face of this and take children on fabricated and or completely frivolous grounds. I would go even further to say that they lie outright and will on occasion even act on advice and information provided to them by mentally unstable vindictive people, or information just obtained from the internet, with absolutely no discretion, they simply just make things up and steal children.
Across this State and indeed this country, families are being decimated for profit. Once in the “care” of the State, children never recover, their bonds are broken and their outcomes are poor. In the USA it is estimated that 75% of all the homeless went through the foster care system, the same would apply here.
In effect this is an industry that thrives and grows on removing children who then become cradle to the grave fodder, for a privatised prison system a state run mental health system and all of this done behind the closed doors of the Australian Children’s Courts.
The Crown Solicitors office, the DPP as well as all the professionals and so called Politicians who remain completely silent are in my view complicit in the destruction of families for profit, for there is a time as we all know, when silence becomes betrayal.
What kind of society have we become when a child is taken without a warrant, with absolutely no judicial oversight, without the police identifying themselves, without the FACS caseworkers identifying themselves, a simple question is asked by an innocent victim as to who these people were, and every single Government department just arrogantly refuses to answer, shame on you all.
It is interesting that the Government fears terrorism, when in truth it appears they are the terrorists who think nothing of terrorising decent families.
When FACS takes a child that child never comes home. Why? Because the caseworkers lie and fabricate evidence and they are backed by State paid lawyers who defend them to the hilt. The child is a veritable nothing and the parents, family and community do not even get a look in.
Now that all pregnant women in the State must undergo a mental health assessment, we will most certainly see more children taken to fund the jobs of those that survive and prosper through this lucrative and completely demonic system.
Children die in care and FACS uses State funds to sue people to silence them, so the truth can be hidden. The fact that children face much greater risks of harm in their so called “care” than at home with loved ones, seems to be lost on all who are blinded by their financial rewards.
You say you do not condone violence. That may or may not be so. What is certain though, is that you most certainly seem to be happy to assist in the cover up of the crimes of the FACS workers and others that do.
You refuse to name them so action cannot be taken. When action is taken, you close that down using your legislative powers within a week or so of being requested, you do this by enlisting the services of your associates in the Crown Solicitors office.
You then glibly claim no doubt that this isn’t corrupt behaviour, In my view it is. FACS supported by Government lawyers seek to silence anyone who speaks out, and when that seems to be faltering, they get their colleagues in the Police Force to lay charges. All this is done to protect those who destroy families and the lives of the vulnerable, it is all done using Australian taxpayers money, and yes it is most certainly all about the money, money, money.
You say you do not condone violence, yet you seem happy to be a part of a corrupt system that makes it clear that you do condone violence. It is violent behaviour to use force and threats to coerce families, to seize their children and remove them from their lives, if this is not terrorism then what is?
Not being happy to simply seize the children, they now want to forcibly adopt them out as soon as they can. When one looks at the filth being taught in the “safe schools” program, this all-pervasive mass mental illness of supporting the ridiculous idea that gender is not biological, and all the perversions that go with this. Along with the synchronous Internet sale of some of these same children, stripped off their kind nurturing loving parents. It becomes apparent that this web of deceit, that you as the DPP and the Crown Solicitor support and protect, goes very deep indeed as we sink further and further down the “Rabbit Hole”.
“At Common Law, a person is entitled to use all force that is reasonable in the circumstances, up to and including lethal force, if they or their family and community are threatened or attacked. They understand that when they believe any person or corporeal entity is acting unlawfully, they will, if necessary, use all reasonable force, up to and including lethal force, to defend themselves, their families, their community and all those that they Love.”
If civil unrest happens as a result of this unlawful and immoral destruction of families, and destroying of children by corrupt departments of the State, then it will be people like you who will be responsible not us. We are defending our young and I have made our position very clear to all of you, and for very good reasons.
Let us hope and pray before it gets to that stage, that at least one Judge will see this filthy industry for what it is, and that they will use their power for good and are able to correct a disgraceful, immoral and corrupt system.
We say nothing when the Government taxes us into oblivion, we say nothing when they spin yarns about Coal and Gas shortages, we say nothing when they restrict our God given rights. We say nothing when the hordes of politicians and govt employees thrust their snouts deeper and deeper into the trough of greed, while the ordinary person slips further into financial destruction and the homeless sleep in the gutters whilst this thing called a Government feasts on their sick ill gotten bounty. We say nothing when they afflict us with unjust laws which Sir Edward Coke, the very founder of Common Law states are no laws at all. Let us no forget these same sentiments echoed in the great words and footsteps of inspired souls like Martin Luther King Junior, Gandhi Ji, John F Kennedy and John Lennon.
We refuse to be silent when you assist those that steal our children to fund an industry and destroy our community in the process. You are the terrorists, you claim you do not condone violence and yet you are the absolute masters at it, this society worships violence and worships war, look around you and open your eyes.
No matter how much evidence can be shown of corrupt behaviour, you just shut the door on any action and protect the guilty. A former heroin trafficker runs a dept that steals children and yet they steal children off casual pot smokers or those that use medicinal cannabis. Known members of the DPP sources recreational cannabis off the black market and others in the DPP source medicinal cannabis for their families while at the same time you incarcerate and demonise a man for researching and making medicinal cannabis oils, the hypocrisy beggars belief.
There appears no need to discuss anything further with you, we will lock our gates and doors, batten down the hatches and we will be ready. We will pray for all evil wretched souls, for the greatest concern of all is not what happens in this life, but for what comes for evil wretched souls in the next.
There is a much greater judge than both you and I and I pity anyone that sells their soul to greed and pure evil, for that is all it is, greed and pure evil.
God is real, God is Love and God is Truth and every word I speak here is true. I do not expect a response, you are corrupt and we the people will respond accordingly. If a legal remedy based on the very foundation of our supposed democracy is not forthcoming over the next twelve months then expect back exactly what you have created for it is out of my hands and I did all I could to warn you and avoid this.
Respectfully Paul Robert Burton
“Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable.”
– Prov 31:8
“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known”. – Luke 12:2
