How To Protect Our Children From Alleged Child Protection Agencies.
We are indeed in strange times when a Minister of Religion finds himself writing a blog on a rainy Sunday morning (our day of dedicated worship) to educate good people everywhere on how to help protect our children from state condoned child abuse, child trafficking and intergenerational acts of genocide. Then again I guess one cannot heal a massive sore until one helps remove the puss first. Alleged child protection services all around this country are unfortunately a significant part of that puss and its our duty together to help remove the infection through squeezing the sore until it bursts, then and only then can the sore begin to heal.
I believe the only guaranteed way to protect our children and grandchildren from family and community services FACS NSW (or what ever name they have in your state or territory) is to apply the same fundamental common law techniques as used by people throughout Australia fighting the unbridled coal and gas industries. That is, to revoke the implied common law right of entry and to not allow FACS onto our properties in the first instance. Once FACS are on our properties and hence in our lives, or once they have unlawfully removed our children, it is often near impossible to ever get them back. Thousands of us have either learnt this through bitter experience or witnessed this terribly unfortunate very hard and very very real lesson.
We as a people here in Australia have become so suppressed, misinformed, disempowered, and are often so uneducated, medicated, indoctrinated and well, to put it bluntly, messed up, that many of us do not even know our fundamental God given, common law and Constitutional rights, consequently we are often misled by FACS representatives and sometimes even by the Police themselves.
Let me explain………
It begins when alleged child protection make a claim that there is a significant risk of harm to your child, they cannot even consider removing your child without recognising what they call a significant risk of harm. On many occasions this significant risk of harm can be things like, defamatory claims by an angry ex partner, something someone says on facebook, a report from someone anonymous. So of course if this risk of harm is not based on any evidence or it is based on nothing more than hearsay innuendo and accusations you are completely within your rights to lawfully resist.
Under Federal Law in Australia (bound by our constitution section 109) parents retain parental responsibility of their own children unless it is removed by a court order. FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 – SECT 61C Each parent has parental responsibility (subject to court orders)
FACS may try to remove your child but they CANNOT under any circumstances remove parental responsibility without a court order. That is a court document with a court seal that has at the very least alleged to have determined a right and justifiable reason for a child’s removal.
Warrantless removals by FACS, without real evidence and based on hearsay, innuendo and accusations are unlawful and go against fundamental common law principles. In NSW they are often initiated on spurious grounds and once a child is removed it is near impossible to get that child back. If FACS and or the police come to your dwelling and they have no court order/warrant or any document with a sealed judicial authority, and their grounds are based on nothing more than hearsay, innuendo & accusations you are completely within your rights to protect your children. And don’t forget it was FACS that initiated this action, not the police, there job is to maintain order, so if you are forced into this terrible situation I would suggest you address the caseworkers directly on this matter as it is them attempting to remove the child, not the police.
Many good people are also not aware that even if the police come with a warrant you do not have to comply if you have a “reasonable excuse” as stated in the LEPRA Act. So for example if they do not show you a warrant but they claim to have one , that is a very reasonable excuse as they have not even proved to you they have a warrant. Of course if the police come with a lawfully sworn warrant and can produce it, and the initiating officer is present, then you are duty bound to comply.
Im not necessarily saying the situation of forced child removals might not still become difficult (for they often are) but you would most certainly succeed with your matter later in Court before a jury and in many situations I believe your asserted clear understanding would prevent the police and/or FACS from challenging you, especially if you are ready and educated and/or have community support and/or have switched on facebook live so the world can see. FACS tend to generally as a rule prey on low socio economic groups the weak and the vulnerable, however this we have seen gradually expanding. Many policeman don’t like that they can be dragged into these unlawful acts but unfortunately they are forced by legislation to attend with FACS, and all of them are most concerned about any negative publicity for very very obvious reasons. FACS representatives although public officers (so of course they should identify themselves) are very fearful of being recognised in public, they on most occasions hide their identities or have names that are not their real names, this put simply is because they know in their hearts what they are doing is wrong but the money is good, child removals is a very lucrative industry, especially compromised children.
Had I have known this clearly myself some 18 months ago in one of my now many encounters with these situations, (rather than negotiate with the police to not seperate the mother and child and allow them to go to the hospital) I should have fought as hard as I could for the child and family there and then for thousands of you to see rather than allowing the child and mother together to leave a private premises and be taken into a public hospital (different jurisdiction) where myself and several others were then without any lawful reason, ultimately battered and assaulted. For your further information in NSW Australia under current legislation FACS can remove a child from either a public school or a public hospital, they can do this without a warrant and they do not need to inform the parents. Most good people are not aware of this until their children disappear.
We need to work together and support each other to protect our young from this system in crisis. Common Law is the Law of the people made by the people and established in fact by what we are, and what we are not prepared to tolerate. If you allow these kind of activities to occur, soon it could become common law and we will become nothing more than factory farmed chickens !!! The family unit will be destroyed and we will live in a sick evil world full of ghouls and demons with no heart or conscience. The state will control all of our children determined by their financial value and the sicker the children are the more they will be worth to this foul evil demonic corrupt system in absolute crisis.
It is unfortunate in NSW that our state government acts unlawfully and wishes to think it can exist outside common law, God given and fundamental commonwealth constitutional rights.
It is also most unfortunate that we as a community need to go to such great lengths to protect our children.
It is also most unfortunate that children have now become nothing more than mere financial units and that FACS steal children for profit and other nefarious reasons and that they contribute significantly to the international child trafficking industry.
It is also most unfortunate that government politicians are pathetically muted in fear and the legal system appears at this time to be largely complicit in these activities through silence. They support FACS by believing their lies and deceitful submissions to the Court without ever questioning, or without any real evidence based system. Further to this, they hide behind the closed children’s court and draconian suppression laws to hide what everybody is fast realising is all too true. It is Australia’s dirty dark little secret!!!
It is also most unfortunate that many people are deluded, brainwashed, misinformed or lied to by controlled fake media and that these acts are happening now today everywhere. Many Australians are blissfully ignorant that we are at war with our own government and that this is a much greater threat to our country than any outside invasion.
It is also most unfortunate that life as we know it is fast changing and that we are moving into a time where most of us are merely existing, and that we are fast losing our connection and Love of the Creator and our true spiritual foundations, our “Philosophia Perrenis”.
It is also most unfortunate that Gandhi Ji was correct, Aldous Huxley was correct, Martin Luther King was correct, John Lennon was correct, Jiddhu Krishnamurti was correct, and although I fall far short of the above individuals in many many ways, I too am completely correct.
“To be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society, is no measure of health” – Jiddhu Krishnamurti
The following signs revoking the common law right of entry are designed for all entities i.e not just FACS or child protection but also for any individual or corporal entities. You will also find a link to pdf versions of the signs available for free that you can download and print yourself or you can even make your own signs. I offer these into the public domain so that together we can protect ourselves as this system in absolute crisis continues to fail us.
Much respect to all, stay strong, help support each other, unify, spread the word, use facebook live and other social media platforms to share and protect so all can see, as the darkness hates the light, pray often and although I do not condone violence of any kind, also recognise your inalienable God given rights to protect all that you love, use only what force is necessary and remember that the police never charge parents when they assist in child removals, for if you were criminally charged you would get a jury, and what jury would convict a parent fighting for their children?
We are in strange times when a Minister of Religion tells you you may have to fight but interestingly the same words were uttered by Sri Krishna in the opening of the Bhagavad Gita.
The real elephant in the room is of course fear, since FACS and the government use fear to control and bind us, it is also fear that they fear. I pray that all those that willingly assist in the unlawful removal of children everywhere, and who cause so much suffering to so many good families, tremble in fear as we the people assert our God given rights, these people whom are all responsible in God’s eyes will one day be held fully culpable for their appalling disgraceful actions, Amen.
All You Need Is Love xxx PRB
Paul Robert Burton is a Minister of Religion, Bard and Human Rights Advocate, he is currently embroiled in numerous court cases. He is a very humble man a man not afraid to speak the truth. He considers it a fundamental spiritual and human rights responsibility to protect our children and grandchildren from state condoned child abuse and child trafficking.
