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Central Coast Mining News Update – OLOWOF Inc

Hi all,

Here’s the latest update for The Central Coast NSW,  from yours truly (PRB) on behalf of Our Land Our Water Our Future Inc.

Just like with Zombie’s,  we have the return of applications for both the Calga Sand Quarry and The Wallarah 2 Long Wall Coal Mine on the Central Coast NSW.

It beggars belief that we again have to make submissions ? Wallarah 2 is a risk to the water supply for over 300,000 people and Calga was won in the Land & Environment Court about 12 months ago.

I would remind everyone that OLOWOF Inc is all volunteers and unlike Multinational Companies and the Government , we don’t get paid for this work. Interestingly those that do get paid for this work, get paid very well to create these beautiful works of fiction called Environmental Impact Studies (EIS). Thanks again to our small but dedicated team for holding both the Companies involved and our Government “Culpable” and notifying them in writing with all the details as to why. xxx PRB

  1. You would think after a landslide victory in the Land & Environment Court , that the Calga Quarry would be all done !….. but alas….. a new company has purchased the site and now plans to expand again threatening the environment, the community and the cultural heritage. Here is our 6 page submission outlining the significant failings of both the new company Hanson and  the NSW Dept of Planning and Environment. The most important thing to note here is that the Environmental Impact Study  doesn’t appear to have any relevant Study of the Environmental Impact ? Bit of an oversight ??? Worth a read if you have the time and energy.

2. Secondly, yes Wallarah 2 is also back, despite the politicians that approved it being found to be corrupt and removed from office and numerous other massive systemic failures. Again here is our submission outlining all the details.

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