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Australian families preparing to seek refuge in embassies

The Australia your politicians and those that claim to be your government do not want you to see……………..

Dear ########, thank you for your time on the phone last week and my sincerest apologies for not emailing you sooner.

For your information the three people ccd are close trusted friends and members of the Family Preservation Network. Dee and Charles are both respected journalists and together with Graeme and myself we have been assisting many families caught in this system in absolute crisis.

Unfortunately we are now dealing with many many parents who are at breakpoint at the complete and utter failure of both the courts and our government to help them and what is happening to their children who are being forcibly removed without lawful right or justification. Much of this is being suppressed from the public and many of these children are ending up at much greater risk of harm and abuse without the protection of their families.

It is very difficult to easily summarise this situation but I feel the conclusion of my recent submission to our Supreme Court challenge of Section 105 of the Children & Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 NSW is very helpful background and a good starting point to share the actual gravity of this situation. Please see the conclusion of our Summary of Argument at the bottom of this email.

I have also attached a letter to the dept of immigration on behalf of Filipino National ### ###### who is a good friend of ####### ##### the ###########  who spoke with you about his children whom were also taken without any lawful right or justification.

### is currently incarcerated in Villawood Detention Centre and the NSW State Government  are in the process of trying to deport him for speaking the truth about his two children being kidnapped by the State. This appears to be driven in a large part by the Dept of Communities and Justice in NSW (DCJ).

These are just two of many many cases we are aware of. The cases are flooding in so fast we are struggling with literally no resources to keep up. This is a situation not just limited to NSW it is a significant national concern.

We have many many parents who feel both the courts the government and even the police now have completely failed them. They have lost their children and they are at break point.

I have direct experience with cases of many children being forcibly removed and being abused in care and neither the Courts nor DCJ nor even the Police are doing anything to help. To see children suffering in this manner and to see so many of these people charged with the safety and wellbeing of our children allowing this to happen, is beneath contempt.

We are wanting to open discussions with any embassies that would be in a position to hear about the plight of these families here in Australia whom have lost their children some of whom wish to seek refuge with any embassies that would assist them.

We are happy to provide any further information you require, we are also happy to meet and/or discuss this matter further and at this time we wish to open discussions with any embassies that are prepared to listen to us especially in regards to their own nationals.

I understand from our conversation that the ############ Ambassador maybe here from the 1st of July.

For reasons unexplained our courts are mute, our politicians are mute and even most of the police it appears are unable to intervene, this is why we are approaching the embassies. It is my personal view and I would imagine Dee, Charles & Graeme would agree, that if these families cannot find refuge it is now only a matter of time before this country is plunged into significant acts of civil unrest unlike anything Australia has ever encountered.

I look forward to speaking more with you soon and thank you for your attention to this most important matter.

Kindest Regards & God Bless Pastor Paul



Court Supreme Court of NSW

Division Common Law

List Administrative


Case number



Lower Court Case number 2017/00387583 & 2017/00388124


First Plaintiff Paul Robert Burton

Second Plaintiff Andrew Katelaris

First Defendant NSW Director of Public Prosecutions

Second Defendant Local Court of NSW

Third Defendant NSW Attorney General


It is the plaintiffs’ position that the reason they have not been successful so far in their constitutional challenge of Section 105, is not because their argument does not have merit, in the alternative their argument has great merit, it is because,

1. The courts and Judges find it difficult to act independently of the government. For example the secretary of the dept of communities and justice (DCJ) is now responsible for all child removals in NSW, district and youth services, housing disability and emergency management, the privatised prison system (corrective services), housing, law reform and legal services, and the courts and tribunals.

2. The Courts stand at the very foundation of a representative democracy through the separation of powers doctrine but this now hangs by a thread. The government largely controls the courts and the judges.

3. The ramifications of the recognition of the truth in the plaintiff’s arguments are so far reaching the government cannot and will not acknowledge them because of the fear of the economic ramifications and the fact that it strikes at the very foundation of a system in absolute crisis.

4. It would involve a significant change and a whole new holistic approach and way of dealing with society with love and compassion rather than using fear tyranny and oppression.

5. Governments all over the world already know as a society we must either change or inevitably collapse however they appear to be creating more fear, tyranny and oppression, this is ultimately a spiritual issue.

6. You can tell a society by how it treats its children. Writing about the “Paramountcy Principle” and speaking about the “best Interests of children” is all well and good but until it is actually practiced it is nothing more than the lip service of a bumbling bureaucracy of hypocrisy. Most determining bodies do not even see the children and families they impact, it is nearly all done on the papers.

7. The application of section 105 appears to have nothing to do with protecting children it is enforced to help silence public political opinion through the use of fear, tyranny and oppression. Further to this it can and is being used unlawfully to facilitate the out of home care Industries, foster care and other like services and is benefiting all those involved in what is now a state condoned multi billion dollar child abuse and child trafficking system.

8. It is most difficult to help people to see Truth when their livelihoods and sometimes even their way of life depend upon them remaining blind to that Truth.

“To be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society is no measure of health”

It is the plaintiffs position that if they are not successful in showing the courts what is actually happening in this matter, that the continued escalating abuse and outrageous behaviour by this out of control government department and the extreme suppression of this information from the general public, will ultimately eventuate in the complete and total loss of our social stability. It will inevitably and already is creating a situation whereby parents, families and their communities will have no choice other than to fight to protect their children from a government and system in absolute crisis.

The government has turned child removals and the destruction of families into a multi-billion dollar industry and this coupled with out of home care system, foster care, adoption and the NDIS has now created an absolute social disaster unprecedented in our times whereby the more children that are removed, and the more they are abused, and the sicker they become, the more money and the higher the profits.

We as a society have lost our moral and ethical compass and our connection with the nameless formless absolute power that creates everything. So ends this submission.

With Faith and Grace Amen Pastor Paul

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