R v Patrick Finbar McGarry O'Dea
On the 3/9/2024 Patrick, despite his recognised substantive health issues , CPTSD and struggles from his time in national service received a sentence of 3 1/2 years , 12 months for breaching
section 121 of the family law act and 2 1/2 years for the using a carriage service which in all circumstances is offensive, with 20 months non parole (which in plain English is his actual sentence) which if not successfully appealed would result in deportation. Patrick spoke amazingly well and did his absolute best in an incredibly difficult and unfair situation.
We would like to send a big thank you to all who came to fill the gallery and the over 160 testimonials and character references we were able to gather in support of Patrick and to everyone who has and is supporting us in these most difficult times where people with the intent of protecting children are now branded as criminals.
More information:
NOTE * I have been asked by two of Patrick's family members, under advice from other persons very recently involved in the case, to remove all links to their new fundraiser from this website, so I have done this and respected their wishes.
R v Pridgeon, O'Dea & GA
We are very pleased to share that on Thursday 8th February 2024 the charges of "conspiracy to defeat the course of justice" were discontinued against all three defendants however, we are leaving the fundraiser open as there are still 6 charges remaining against Patrick Finbar McGarry O'Dea whose trial is listed from the 26th August 2024 in the Brisbane District Court (estimated 1 week) and we are also a very long way from recouping the substantive financial losses in this matter.
For more information about the discontinued case please click the following link:
What do you do when children disclose sexual abuse to multiple people: COVER IT UP, OR PROTECT THEM ?
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Operation Noetic started when they began constructing a case created to criminalise a number of good people helping to separately assist a mother and a grandmother (who did not even know each other) protect their children, and grandchild who had made multiple disclosures of sexual abuse to multiple people.
According to the AFP it is claimed to be the biggest criminal case in Australian legal history.
It was alleged by the AFP that a number of people including a parent and a grandparent harboured and/or abducted their own children and grandchildren, when in reality one mother had fled with her two children to protect them from being returned by the Family Court of Australia to their alleged abuser and the other, a grandmother, who had LAWFUL custody of her grandchild at the time she was charged, It is very interesting as to how you can harbour or abduct a child when you have lawful custody awarded by the Family Court ?
Two Rhodesian friends, William Russell Massingham Pridgeon and Patrick Finbar McGarry O'Dea along with a parent of two children, a grandparent of the other child, and three other people who it is alleged independently assisted them, were arrested and publicly defamed in the media and portrayed as being part of an international child trafficking syndicate. Some of these people had never even met or ever spoken with each other.
Those children were then removed in the two seperate cases from their parent and grandparent by the Police and returned under orders made by The Family Court of Australia to the very people they claimed had abused them. And all this happened because a number of people involved including police officers had concealed the disclosures of the children, claiming they had made no disclosures when all the children had made multiple disclosures of abuse to multiple sources.
Throughout the long history with this case some of this damning evidence was leaked by a number of people to social media outlets exposing the misrepresentation of the case by the government and court controlled media generating significant outrage with the public about this case.
As a result of the above these child protectors were charged by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) with “Conspiracy to Defeat Justice” and several other charges. Unfortunately they are not the only people in Australia to be charged for this relatively new offence, despite their intent clearly being to protect children who they and many others knew had disclosed sexual abuse. Further to this at no point in time could any of the actions of these child protectors have prevented the Family Court from making any future orders, that is, no actions could ever defeat the course of justice.
This case has now been on foot for nearly six years, Dr Pridgeon, a Family Doctor lost his medical practice for around 3 1/2 years; Patrick O'Dea has been unable to work because of draconian bail conditions and without the support of his family would be homeless. The kind loving grandmother (who had lawful custody of her grandchild at the time) living in northern Queensland (GA) was forced to wear a tracker for over 2 1/2 years and has had her life decimated, and the mother of the other children has now sadly been convicted and I doubt will ever recover. All this has happened to these people because they have been persecuted for trying to protect children who had all disclosed sexual abuse to multiple sources on multiple occasions.
So far, thanks to their strength and courage to self-represent, and thanks also to the tireless work of a very small dedicated team of individuals, 24 charges have been dropped and there is now only one remaining self represented individual.
Despite this and the clear disclosures of sexual abuse by the children, plus the evidence of the police claiming there were no disclosures, the CDPP is still continuing to persecute the last defendant Patrick Finbar McGarry O'Dea in what we believe is one of the greatest abuses of process in Australian criminal history.
The mother of two of the children who had hidden with them for around four years finally succumber to the immense pressure of years of persecution and pleaded guilty in late October 2023 to "conspiracy to defeat justice", and the three other women who were alleged to have assisted the mother also pleaded guilty to a variety of "aiding and abetting charges"
The three other women were each issued with good behaviour bonds and were not incarcerated however the mother of the two children was convicted and received a sentence of 3 years. The prosecution and Judge claim that she had an honest belief her children were being sexually abused but that it was not reasonable ? The Prosecution further claimed that they believed she coached the children despite the multiple disclosures by the children to multiple people and the mother only having very limited supervised contact with her children throughout that time.
The remaining trial of Russell Pridgeon, Patrick O'Dea and GA had been listed from February 5th 2024 and was expected to run for around four weeks in the Brisbane District Court however the charges of conspiracy to defeat the course of justice we discontinued on day two as they were not known to the law.
The Grandmother lives in northern QLD and the two other defendants are from NSW so they all, for many years, have been forced to travel to Brisbane for 100's of court appearances at their own expense.
The trial in February 2024 (after around 6 years in the courts) meant the good doctor was for the third time forced to give up his medical practice and all three accused may have been homeless and living on the street whilst trying to defend themselves without any legal representation. Meanwhile the CDPP continued to use what could now be millions of tax-payer dollars to prosecute their claims and conceal the disclosures of child abuse from the public. At this time they clearly plan to spend even more as they continue to profit while further decimating the life of the last remaining defendant when all of the defendants were doing nothing more than attempting to protect children who had disclosed sexual abuse to multiple sources.
The government, police, prosecution, media and the courts have controlled and manipulated the information released to the public about this case and ignored the criminality of the police and others involved, and turned a blind eye to the allegations of the children. And The Family Court in each case returned the children to the sole custody of the very people they accused of abusing them.
Why in Australia is protecting children who have disclosed sexual abuse, treated as a crime ?
We are humbly requesting your support to attend and witness the proceedings, and/or in the alternative if you are able to contribute anything to assist the last remaining defendant. (details below)​
The current court dates for R v Patrick Finbar McGarry O'Dea is from Monday 26th of August 2024 and is expected to run for around 5 days .
Brisbane District Court
415 George St Brisbane QLD 4000
The court room information is released after 6pm the day before the trial begin and is available to the public here: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__external/CourtsLawList/Brisbane.htm
​If you are able, please help support us by sharing this information and attending court
During the original trials relating to this case back in May/June 2023 the court set up an overflow room next door to the main courtroom to ensure the public who attended were able to observe the proceedings on screens. Notwithstanding that:
1. There was no overflow and not one member of the public has been permitted to enter the main open courtroom with the Judge, Jury and Parties.
2. The overflow room was closed on several occasions, once for an entire day, and there have been numerous reports of technical issues.
3. One of the self represented defendants is profoundly deaf and two of the self represented defendants have been denied any support persons or any assistance whatsoever in court.
If you wish to assist with any financial support for Russell, Patrick and GA (name suppressed for legal reasons)
you can contribute through this online fundraiser:
Or in the alternative you can make any payments to the bank account below with the reference "Pridgeon O'Dea & GA Fundraiser" or if you wish to donate by credit card please do so through this link but again also include the reference "Pridgeon O'Dea & GA Fundraiser" (in the Honouree text box) so I can ensure 100% of all funds are provided directly to assist Russell, Patrick and GA.
Kindest Regards & God Bless.
Pastor Paul
Direct Bank Details
Swift Code: BENDAU3B
BSB: 633 000
Acct: 147698294
REF: Pridgeon, O'Dea & GA Fundraiser
For more information about this case please check the latest video updates about the case here: